Evil Empire

Dictator Putin continues what Dictator Stalin started. Some years ago Russia did start new narrative about Finnish war crimes in WW2. Claims about concentration camps and genocide. All of this aiming just to justify military actions towards Finland. And just for the record, those are just lies, without any evidence. Even straight after WW2, Soviet union prosecutor committee did not find war crimes. On the contrary they did prove that there was not any.   Fi war trials Then few war crimes in WW2 committed by Soviet union, but as usual never admitted by Soviet Union even all hard facts existing. Seitajärvi Elisenvaara After war Kaleva Basically allies (Britain, USA and etc..) in WW2 just helped 1 evil empire to crush another one. It is so amazing when Russia is by the far largest country in the world, and still they just can't fit within their borders, they always need to have war somewhere.  Here excellent video by former Finnish Intelligence officer, explaining why Russia will...

White death - Simo Häyhä, most legendary sharpshooter ever!

I was wondering what should be the first book to be presented. There are so many good books and incredible stories. But then after all choice was pretty easy.

White death / Belaja smert – Talvisodan tarkka-ampuja Simo Häyhän tarina

Then man and the myth and the legend.
This man is undisputed king of the snipers. Number 1 in every sniper kill count lists. With K/D 542:0, think about that all FPS fans. Except this guy was playing for real. This was done in couple of months in freezing cold with iron sights. He made Rambo look like boy scout.

Book is written by Petri Sarjanen Finnish teacher and historian. Original version released in 1998 and renewed version in 2007. Sarjanen has done quite good job with source and reference literatures. Source literature does include interview of Simo Häyhä, II/JR34 war diary 1939-40, Red army Karelian front HQ report, several books and articles covering Kollaa front. As attachment Snipercentral statistics. Book also includes few common and famous pictures but also few more rare ones.

Book tells story of small and silent man journey to Kollaa front. One of the most famous batlle grounds of Winter war. He did not make noise about himself, he let the deeds speak for themselves. In the same trenches fought many famous Finnish soldiers like Aarne ”Marokon kauhu” Juutilainen and Ville ”Sota – Ville” Teittinen.

If you are interested in WW2 and amazing stories, this one you have to read. There is of course several books written about him. And also DVD documentary available.



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