Evil Empire

Dictator Putin continues what Dictator Stalin started. Some years ago Russia did start new narrative about Finnish war crimes in WW2. Claims about concentration camps and genocide. All of this aiming just to justify military actions towards Finland. And just for the record, those are just lies, without any evidence. Even straight after WW2, Soviet union prosecutor committee did not find war crimes. On the contrary they did prove that there was not any.   Fi war trials Then few war crimes in WW2 committed by Soviet union, but as usual never admitted by Soviet Union even all hard facts existing. Seitajärvi Elisenvaara After war Kaleva Basically allies (Britain, USA and etc..) in WW2 just helped 1 evil empire to crush another one. It is so amazing when Russia is by the far largest country in the world, and still they just can't fit within their borders, they always need to have war somewhere.  Here excellent video by former Finnish Intelligence officer, explaining why Russia will...

Angel of death - Most wanted man in the world

Most wanted and hated man in the world after WW2. Infamous nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

First of all, there is not any justice in this story. This is really sad and horrific story with easter front battles, Auschwitz atrocities, escape after ww2, Mossad vendetta, Nazi hunters, politics and money. But despite of that it is very interesting reading and gives picture how most wanted man in the world could escape every possible operator for 30 years, and trurth was revealead 6 years after his death.

So how this was possible:
- USA did have Mengele after WW2 but with total incompetence they let him go
- Even Mossad managed to illegally kidnap Adolf Eichman, they still were not able to catch Mengele due to incompetence. And some times innocent men were illegally executed when wronly identifying them as nazi criminal.
- Simon Wiesenthal was more interested to raise money and fame for himself than to actually catch Mengele. And many times he just made up stories about Mengele which caused more harm. And unfortunately many so called Nazi hunters were more intrested about money than anything else
- People who did knew Mengele did not revelead his secret due to several reasons

Just plain and simple very sad story, no happy ending!


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