Evil Empire

Dictator Putin continues what Dictator Stalin started. Some years ago Russia did start new narrative about Finnish war crimes in WW2. Claims about concentration camps and genocide. All of this aiming just to justify military actions towards Finland. And just for the record, those are just lies, without any evidence. Even straight after WW2, Soviet union prosecutor committee did not find war crimes. On the contrary they did prove that there was not any.   Fi war trials Then few war crimes in WW2 committed by Soviet union, but as usual never admitted by Soviet Union even all hard facts existing. Seitajärvi Elisenvaara After war Kaleva Basically allies (Britain, USA and etc..) in WW2 just helped 1 evil empire to crush another one. It is so amazing when Russia is by the far largest country in the world, and still they just can't fit within their borders, they always need to have war somewhere.  Here excellent video by former Finnish Intelligence officer, explaining why Russia will...

The World at War 1939-45

Complete history book about WW2

All hell let loose - The world at war 1939-1945 by Max Hastings.

Max Hasting has born to write about war history and he have done so last 35 years. This might be his best book and same time one the best books ever written about WW2 history.

Book includes tons of facts with insterestings statistics. Hasting has really studied casulties, weapons, production figures and etc... He explains politics, war strategies of different countries and explain how things did happen. Same time he tells stories of invidual human's in the middle of this hell. This books show's really the big picture of WW2 including all view points. By that way he can make history fact book with novel book structure, really interesting way to present things.

Max Hastings does not stand on anyone's side, he draws complete picture. Book explains how major battles and war efforts were made in eastern front, that western allies war efforts were much smaller than Germans and Soviets. How war crimes were committed in all sides, expect allies were not punished afterwards.

So if you only read 1 book about WW2 this should be it and if you have already read 1000 books about WW2, still you have to read this one.

Read and learn!


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