Evil Empire

Dictator Putin continues what Dictator Stalin started. Some years ago Russia did start new narrative about Finnish war crimes in WW2. Claims about concentration camps and genocide. All of this aiming just to justify military actions towards Finland. And just for the record, those are just lies, without any evidence. Even straight after WW2, Soviet union prosecutor committee did not find war crimes. On the contrary they did prove that there was not any.   Fi war trials Then few war crimes in WW2 committed by Soviet union, but as usual never admitted by Soviet Union even all hard facts existing. Seitajärvi Elisenvaara After war Kaleva Basically allies (Britain, USA and etc..) in WW2 just helped 1 evil empire to crush another one. It is so amazing when Russia is by the far largest country in the world, and still they just can't fit within their borders, they always need to have war somewhere.  Here excellent video by former Finnish Intelligence officer, explaining why Russia will...

Taipaleenjoki - tuonelanjoki

River of Taipale - River of death

Winter war 1939 - 1940 between Finland and Soviet union, was really bitter fighting in freezing cold. River Taipale was part of the Mannerheim line.

 And as every time in Winter war, Soviet union did have undisputed superiority on manpower, tanks, aircrafts and artillery. In battles of Taiple Finnish did have 1 division and some artillery, but 0 tanks and aircrafts. Soviet union did have 4 divisions and countless amount of artillery, tanks and aircrafts. Nevertheless Soviet union did not achieve break trough at Taipale river in Winter war. And that was mostly due to bravery of ordinary Finnish soldier.

 This book is written by Paavo Linnanterä, he was head of the company, they were part of the 10th division 1/JR. He is using his own and company wartime diaries. He is giving his first hand view what did happen in trenches of Taipale. Battles were extremely brutal, savage and ferocious.

Quota from 1 day of the week, that they did call Hells week.

" Jälki haudassa oli kaamea. Kaksisataa ruumista ja ehkä vielä paljon ylikin makasi kaivannon pohjalla sikin sokin, täyttäen sen aivan reunoja myöten. Ruumiitten seassa olivat aseet yhtenä sotkuna huurteisen verihyhmän peitossa. -- lämpimät ruumit nuljahtelivat yhtenään jalkaterän alla."

After bitter fighting Finnish losses were about 2250 dead and Soviets more than 10000.
This book is shocking documentary about ultimate hard battles and it describes really well horrors of war.

Book is rare, so if you can find one somewhere purchase it regardless of the price.


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